Monday, November 16, 2009

What if it's one of those raised skin looking moles can i still remove it?

There is a legend that if you tie a string around it really tight it will fall off in a couple of days. DON'T BELIEVE IT. It is recommended by professionals to have these type of moles removed by a physician but it is NOT neccessary. You can do it yourself. First you must realize that these fleshy type moles are loaded with nerves and the removal will be painful but only for a split second and considering the manner in which these grow they are part of the body and will bleed ALOT after removal.

Here's how you do it. 1.Clean the mole and it's surrounding area with alcohol. 2. Raise the mole away from the skin with tweezers (clean tweezers with alchol prior to use)3. Using a clean very sharp razor blade (exacto knives work best)cut the mole off using a single swift motion. The area will begin to bleed ALOT! To stop the bleeding take a cotton ball soaked in "WITCH HAZEL" (Witch hazel can be bought at any drug store for $1.99) This will slow the beeding then stop it completely. Let the wound dry and scab. DO NOT PICK THE SCAB OFF let it fall off naturally. The result will be smooth skin and you wont be able to tell that there was once a mole there.

Note: Witch Hazel has been used to stop bleeeing would for a very very long time one of its most common use these days is to apply it to the rectum (the bunghole)to stop bleeding hemmoroids.

What if it's one of those raised skin looking moles can i still remove it?
It's called a tagger or skin tags and yes you can remove it.

You can see your doctor and ask how to remove it.

My dad had a long one under his armpit. The doctor rubbed alcohol on it and used a pair of scissors to cut it.

My mom had little mini taggers all over her neck and back. She goes to a skin doctor and had them removed via a laser.

Totally up to you on which way you want to go about it.

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