Monday, November 16, 2009

HELP !! I have a lot moles and skin tags and getting more... Help?

Should I go to a doctor for removed or is there something I can try myself. Looking for good honest suggestions.

HELP !! I have a lot moles and skin tags and getting more... Help?
Just recently I watched a documentary on skin tags,this lady had other problems too,weight could not be controlled,mood swings,periods were not normal, her hair got real course and she started to grow hair in places where guys do.It took a lot of years to diagnose that she had a condition with her hormones.Too many male hormones was a part of it.But she is better now.Although she has to take medicine for pretty much the rest of her life.Ask your have you checked out for that it is very rare and hard to detect.But it has life altering effects.Good luck dear.
Reply:its a virus go to the dr.....or have some reiki done
Reply:Dont try yourself....go to a dermatologist and they can remove them!!
Reply:Go to the health clinic and get it cleared up
Reply:could be a sign of liver disorder. See a urologist
Reply:I would go to the doctor and have them checked. The doctor will tell you if any of them are suspicious and will have those removed.
Reply:do you also have alot of light color birth marks??? or freckling under arms??
Reply:Yes, see a doctor, he can also burn the ones off that are in bad areas.
Reply:Yes, you need to see a dermatologist. Moles can become cancerous so they need to be checked. Stay out of the sun or use a strong sunscreen.
Reply:I don't think there is anything you can do yourself. And, at least for me, those "freeze your warts off" things you can buy for a high price over the counter at a drugstore will not remove moles or skin tags. You have to go to a dermatologist, and make sure they have liquid nitrogen.
Reply:if they are truely skin tags and moles - it is NOT caused by a virus. there isn't anything you can do other than have them removed by a dermatalogist
Reply:If the moles are stable just watch them, but if they are changing color, size or amount you should go to the dermatologist. Moles can represent malignant melanoma, an aggressive cancer. Worrisome moles have multiple colors, irregular shapes, or are "heaped-up." The best way to avoid moles is by avoiding sun exposure.
Reply:Go to the doctor if you try to remove your self they will bleed a lot I had a lot on my neck and had the doctor remove them. He injected a local next to all that were to be removed and he removed them with a cauterizing scalpel it didn't hurt and I am glad I had them removed.


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