Friday, November 20, 2009

How can you tell if someone has skin cancer or just moles.?

My boy friend has things that look like moles, but what concerns us is where there located. There located inbetween his legs on his bekini area. Every so soften they bleed. He refuses to go see a doctor about them but yet we are concerned.

How can you tell if someone has skin cancer or just moles.?
you need to see the doctor. just in case. tell him its for his health
Reply:Symptoms of skin cancer

The colors of the tumors vary from brown or black to blue or orange.

The tumors are characterized by having ragged edges and uneven colors.

Off-shots, sores, crusts, and reddening may be seen in the area surrounding the mole.

The tumor may resemble a 'blood blister' under a nail.

The mole may itch.

Moles can be found anywhere on the body, but are typically located on the back, the shoulders, or the back of the legs.

How can we protect ourselves from cancerous moles? Society today has become more aware of the growing problem “skin cancer” defined as a malignant tumor that grows in the skin cells.

Remember though there are still these warning signs to look for

An existing mole changes in color or shape, or begins to bleed or ooze.

Sores that heal very slowly may appear on the mole.

Moles that have become unusually large.

'Blood blisters' especially under toenails, which are not the result of a blow.

The appearance of a new irregular mole (it is quite normal for people to develop new moles from time to time until they reach their 40s. There is no need to worry unless the color of the new mole is uneven, or its edges are ragged). If you are in any doubt, ask your GP to check.

Any unusual sore, lump or blemish lasting more than a few weeks.

Areas of skin that become scaly, itchy, tender or red, or areas that ooze, bleed or become crusty.
Reply:Really he should get that checked out. There is no way to tell just by looking.

Even pathologists, have to do chemical dyes to find if the tissue contains cancer cells.

He should really get motivated before it gets more aggressive, because it is entirely possible to kill him.
Reply:You can't be totally sure without a biopsy of the mole so if you're concerned, he should see the doctor.

There are some guidelines called the ABCD Rule that we can use as a general guide to determine whether a mole look suspicious:

A: Appearance (it should have a smooth, symetrical apperance, the color should be a shade of brown and remain the same through the entire mole)

B: Border (the mole should have a smooth, round border all the way around)

C: Color (the mole should be a shade of brown but may also be lighter or flesh-colored. The color should be the same throughout the entire mole

D: Diameter (it should not be larger than 1/4 of an inch, roughly the size of a pencil eraser)

If a mole bleeds for no reason it is best to have it looked at by a dermatologist.

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