Friday, November 20, 2009

Are moles on your skin cancerous???

yes. just follow the abc's of moles to tell the difference.

A-asymmetry (asymmetric is worse)

B-Border (irregular borders are bad)

C-Color (dark moles with more than 1 shade or color inside the mole is more suspicious)

D-Diameter (%26gt;6mm or bigger than the size of a pencil's eraser is concerning)

E-elevation (if a mole is elevated, it should be considered suspicious)

see the following link for pictures %26amp; more information

Are moles on your skin cancerous???
Yes, they can be. Most are not. But if you have a mole that has suddenly appeared or one that you've had suddenly changes (red, spots, spreads) then you need to see your doctor so they can test it.
Reply:some are - some are not - it's not that simple to tell - it's good to go to a dematoligis to get them checked out - from there you can monitor them and watch for colour and shape change, as well as for more moles that grow/develop - it's so important to watch them...the doctor will then remove any that cause him/her concern...
Reply:not all are. To be sure, check with a dermatologist - only they can really check and assure you
Reply:some are! and if you are conserned about it go get it checked out!
Reply:Moles you've been born with are not cancerous unless they've undergone changes. Keep an eye out for uneven borders, and odd colorations. If there is any crusting or growth of a mole that could be a warning sign as well.

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