Saturday, April 24, 2010

Symptoms of skin cancer besides strange looking moles?

are there any other things to look for?

Symptoms of skin cancer besides strange looking moles?
Skin cancer can appear like anything. It can be raised, discolored. Some symptoms that might be concerning is if you have a skin area that as changed in appearance. If an area is itchy that can also be a symptom. If you are at all concerned, consider seeing a dermatologist.
Reply:Try the american or canadian cancer associations websites or whatever country you are in.

I know that a sunburn that doesn't readily heal is also an issue or spots on your skin that continually hurt even after they have looked like they have healed from a sunburn.
Reply:You could look for something that looks like a reddish growth that's covered with scaly, dry skin. It would start out small, maybe a little bigger than your average pimple. The best thing to do is check out pictures online. There are millions of them.
Reply:Any small sore that does not heal in 30 days that appears on the skin of person over age 25-30 who is a sun lover or works outside should be examined as a potential skin cancer.

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