Saturday, April 24, 2010

How to get rid of the moles - small, big, flat or comingup on skin - face and body ?

I have many mole on face and body though small but they stop me from being flawless. I have a good diet and i strictly avoid tea,coffee and junk food. I want some home remedies and natural ones preferably...

How to get rid of the moles - small, big, flat or comingup on skin - face and body ?
cuticle cutters
Reply:um i think only a doctor can remove them
Reply:try scissors.
Reply:well if really want to remove them go to a dermatologist and ask for mole removal. Be careful not to pick or scratch them as they may get infected or be cancerous. I saw this once on TV, this lady has a lot of mole im her face and she went to a dermatologist to have them remove. Then after a few days her mole dried out and they were completley gone w/o a trace.

Reply:go to a doctor (:
Reply:If you are talking about skin tags (small fleshy; mole like) You can cut them or twist them off yourself. Wash the area well and apply neosporin or bacitracin to the area after removal until healed completely. They are mostly caused from rubbing of the skin. Like with necklaces around the neck. Which is why so many of us have them there.

If you have actual moles .. always go to your dermatologist so they can be looked at and documented. With moles, there is more than you see to them. They have roots under the skin that also have to be removed and biopsied for cancer. Please do not try to remove or treat these yourself. Its too risky!

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