Saturday, April 24, 2010

I have a skin mole. Can it be removed at home?

No You need to see a dermatologist aka a skin doctor. I had a mole on my chin that doubled in size and would bleed. A doctor had to remove it. They usually use a scalpel or they can freeze it off depending on the size of it. And if they are concerned they would do a biopsy to see if it is cancerous or not.

I have a skin mole. Can it be removed at home?
No moles need to be removed in the docs office. Often it takes a stitch or two to close the wound and the doc will send it to the lab for testing if it is a suspicious one.
Reply:absolutely not....removing a skin mole should only be done by a doctor. under no circumstances should you try to do it yourself. you could wind up, hurting yourself pretty bad. if it bothers you, that much, then talk to a dermatologist.
Reply:Definitely not. Go to the doctor and get him to check your moles, and make a mole map for later reference. Unless moles are cancerous, they dont need removal.

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