Thursday, May 7, 2009

How do you get rid of moles, skin tags etc...?

I have a load of moles and skin tags that are raised and I really want to get rid of them, by any means necessary. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks

How do you get rid of moles, skin tags etc...?
i have one way but it'll hurt. and imperfections in a way makes us perfect, i doubt you'll understand what i mean...
Reply:Go to a dermatologist to burn off the moles... and see what else you can do..
Reply:My doctor says I can cut my own skin tags off -- as long as they're not too big. It HURTS though!

You really should see a dermatolgist for the moles, though, because they need to be biopsied to be sure they're not cancerous.
Reply:You can lose a skin-tag by tying a cotton thread tightly around it. In a day or two it will fall off.
Reply:Go to your doctor and say one has changed colour or shape recently you will then get sent to hospital to get it removed - you will likely get a scalpel happy surgeon who want to take every mole on your body off.

I wouldn't recommend trying a DIY job.
Reply:I tried the cotton thing didn't work. I was in agony and had real trouble getting the cotton off. See your GP. Much safer
Reply:uh, surgery, dur
Reply:Skin tags yes moles no.

Tie string/cotton round the s/t and in a few days it will fall off.
Reply:Surgery for moles and if they are on your face a good plastic surgeon is the best route. Your GP should be able to freeze your skin tags (like a wart) and cut them off.
Reply:I live in the UK and there have not been any cases of moles and warts for ages because of the cleaner living conditions. You must live in the USA.
Reply:James're handsome enough with your moles...i mean all the girls want you...and the

Reply:go to your gp and they will remove them if they are going to cause you any harm. the gp will freeze them then slice them off. its not painful doing it but can hurt a little coming out of the freeze.
Reply:yes u can get skin tags burnt off,a relative of mine had it done but said it nipped a little..and for moles u can have them cut out but it will leave a scar,see ur doctor.

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